Unlocking the Third Reformation


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The author uses the image and allegory of the three-room tabernacle of Moses, the temple of God, and the earthly manifestation of the presence of God, to explain the unique New Testament three-fold process of personal and church life reformation into Christ.
The tabernacle model can be used as the basis for your three-fold Reformation journey that will help you become mature in Christ.

Where are you in your spiritual development as a child of God?
Are you out of Egypt, the land of slavery, or in the wilderness, living from bare necessities? Or are you entering the promised land: abundant life in Christ Jesus and a land overflowing with milk and honey?
Sarel van der Merwe, a dynamic teacher of God’s truths, reveals insights that will help you move closer to God the Father as a radical Jesus disciple. Learn how to:
cultivate an intimate relationship with- and be filled with the fullness of the Holy Spirit;
pray effectively with authority and power as a son or daughter of Almighty God;
experience the true value and meaning of a journey to maturity with God.


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