Marriage Preparation – Sarel van der Merwe



This material includes mp4 video based on this topic.

To prepare you for your Marriage adventure, we have put together this amazing course, built to equip you for all that is to come.

Here is the 12 topics that are covered in this course.

  1. Mystery of Marriage
  2. What about just living together
  3. Motivation for Mate Selection
  4. Being Whole, Being Healed Emotionally
  5. Maturity in the Relationship
  6. Permanent Severance from Parents
  7. True Woman of God
  8. Effective Communication
  9. Building & Empowering one-another
  10. Romantic Lifestyle
  11. Fun Sex
  12. Loyalty During Temptations

(If you chose the USB option, your USB will include this course video material as well as a printable Pdf manual. Please note that these products are made to order and can take up to 10 working days to ship)

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Video Product

USB, Download